50th REUNION in 2007
The Class of 1957 celebrated their 50th Reunion during Heritage Days 2007 with a Saturday evening Reunion Dinner catered by Gwen’s at the Sleep Inn in Mount Vernon. They started on Friday with a party hosted by Bob and Jan Majors at their home. On Saturday attended the All-Alumni Breakfast and other Heritage Days activities, and on Sunday enjoyed a breakfast at the home of Bill and Myrt Bowers.
Pictured below: Front (sitting) L to R Joyce Olmstead Lucas, Karen Clark Fiala, Norman Rayman, Bill Bowers, Jan Hess Smith and Tom Kleineck.
Back Row L to R Elaine Mulherin, Barb Neal Hutchins, Doug Tharp, Rita Becicka Krall, Barbara Bridges Hladek, Dick Washburn, Karen Jilovec Martin, Pat Caldwell Kamath, Paul Kent, Sandy Cunningham, Bob Myers, Myrt Clark Bowers,Steve Ludley, Bonnie Humes Boodon, and Jan Lowe Majors